The Albany County Land Bank is a not-for-profit corporation based in Albany, New York that is dedicated to revitalizing neighborhoods by addressing property vacancies across the County. We acquire tax-foreclosed, vacant, or abandoned properties throughout Albany County and disposes of them to responsible buyers through an application process that includes multi-layered review. We work in partnership with state and local government, non-profits, residents, community groups, and responsible developers and investors to return properties to productive use and support community development - including property demolitions, acquisitions, stabilizations, lot improvements, and rehabilitation projects.

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Albany County Land Bank partners with SEAT Center and MLB Construction to raise the walls on its first home project.

Since 2014…

The Albany County Land Bank Corporation has made an impact on neighborhoods for more than 10 years. In that time, we have removed buildings that were a blight on our neighborhoods, sold other properties to new homeowners and f0r redevelopment, acquired properties that would have otherwise been auctioned to bidders without a plan for redevelopment, leveraged significant funds in the form of grants to advance our work, and stimulated our economy through the private investment made in redeveloping underutilized properties.

Follow us on Instagram | @albanycountylandbank